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Coaching & Mentoring
For Sr Executives
"An unmatched journey...
into leadership"
For Sr Executives
"An unmatched journey...
into leadership"
We at Horvath Consulting have developed a set of Coaching & Mentoring Services proven to Grow Profits <- click here.
In the balance of this website, we will explain... * How we can make such a bold statement * Our expertise to deliver on improving your profits * A very reasonable fee... if you want our C&M Services |
Yes, that is a very bold statement... so let me explain. After 40 years of world-class experiences including... successfully turning around troubled businesses, being a lead researcher on the APQC White-Collar & Leadership Project, owning & operating a German Tier 1 automotive supply firm and... serving as an Adjunct Professor at Yale University's MBA School of Management - I have exciting and powerful insights about the direct relationship that exists between Executive Skills... and corporate profits.
SUMMARY OF THIS SITE"The introduction above... provides just a glimpse into the extensive expertise available to assist you in your company's profit growth. Specifically, we will provide you with 'Operational Improvement Tools' that are tailored to your exact needs. Our C&M Services dispel the myth that profit turnaround is a complex, difficult and stressful process. To the contrary - our experience has proven - the union of your business acumen & our Leadership Protocol, improves both short-term & long-term profits because they are driven by YOU... not a group of outsiders."
our approach * LEARN ABOUT ONE ANOTHER - to ensure we are a good fit with common values.
* SERVE AS A TRUSTED PARTNER - thru the private exchange of valued expertise's. * CLARIFY YOUR PROFIT GOALS - understand/enhance the power of your position. * FULLY EMPOWER YOUR ROLE - the intricacies of... Your Skills, Values & Behaviors. * EXPANDING YOUR INFLUENCE - your growth from good... to great leadership. * OUR COACHING & MENTORING SERVICES - 'Expert Guidance'... made practical. -----------------------------------------------
important background