The Science of Leadership
"Let's put it to work for you"

Hello, Robert Horvath here... and welcome to the next chapter in what could be called... "Control Your Business thru Leadership". As we discussed earlier... your personal skills and behaviors do, in fact, govern your company's profits, let me expand on this.
"But first, a personal note": I am extremely fortunate to have spent my 46-year career as a business change agent. Starting as a young Cost Account with Ford Motoe Co... I have constantly worked with exceptionally talented professionals. As I write this website, I am endeavoring to share with you the wisdom these mentors have given me. Please, freely share whatever you find of value., with others... our business community needs it.... very concrete examples coming...
Okay, let's take a closer look at these first 4 leadership skills so you understand how they impact your business. As a starting point I ask you to reflect back to the link I gave you earlier on... (visit again) Leadership Foundation. These men utilized their 4 core skills to overcome huge challenges and achieve their goals. Here we are in 2024 and as I detail each of the 4 skills... consider how a weakness in just one of these is at the root of some very high-profile CEO's... and their company's... poor performance. Unfortunately, there are far too many examples of this in current headlines... let's begin.
"But first, a personal note": I am extremely fortunate to have spent my 46-year career as a business change agent. Starting as a young Cost Account with Ford Motoe Co... I have constantly worked with exceptionally talented professionals. As I write this website, I am endeavoring to share with you the wisdom these mentors have given me. Please, freely share whatever you find of value., with others... our business community needs it.... very concrete examples coming...
Okay, let's take a closer look at these first 4 leadership skills so you understand how they impact your business. As a starting point I ask you to reflect back to the link I gave you earlier on... (visit again) Leadership Foundation. These men utilized their 4 core skills to overcome huge challenges and achieve their goals. Here we are in 2024 and as I detail each of the 4 skills... consider how a weakness in just one of these is at the root of some very high-profile CEO's... and their company's... poor performance. Unfortunately, there are far too many examples of this in current headlines... let's begin.
NOTE: Behavioral Phycologists have taught us that to learn a new skill we need to be exposed to it 21 times. So, in an effort to help you learn ... I intentionally restate my key points, multiple times.
MANDITORY SKILLS 1. VISION - a clear picture of the business's purpose.. for employees & customers 2. COMMUNICATION - your daily... source of enjoyment 3. TASK MANAGEMENT - the 'make it happen'... toolbox 4. PEOPLE - hey, you're really in the People Business CRUTIAL VALUES 5. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT- as Dr Deming taught us 6. PRIORITIES - rank these 4 - Cost, Delivery, Quality, Safety 7. PERSONAL DISOPLINE - your system... measure yourself |
The image below depicts the inner connection of #4, PEOPLE SKILLS and #2, TASK MANAGEMENT SKILLS. That being a healthy balance between... being kind and making things happen.
As you master these 7 leadership elements... be sure you are always adding value to your business. |
NOTE: If you're a bit confused... that's understandable... I'm compressing 46 years of wisdom into...
I've made several statements that are counter to traditional thinking. Now I will give you an in-depth explanation of each of these 7 elements. If you can master these... you will ensure your businesses success. |
OK.... side note... learning requires.. 21 times...
1. VISION: This is where you tell the world... why your company exists... what makes you special and unique. You establish a clear direction, set goals and share your beliefs. The message must always be consistent and most of all be... short - powerful - crystal clear!!
In this example we see a simple, short and powerful vision statement... leading this startup to great success. The industry is extremely competitive with very low margins. This truly gives us... 'Food for Thought'... sorry about the pun.

Stew Leonard's Supermarket: From its humble beginnings in Norwalk, CT, this small dairy store founded in 1969 only carrying 8 items with seven employees, Stew Leonard's has grown to become not only the World's Largest Dairy Store, but one of the most renowned grocery stores, with annual sales of nearly $500 million... 2,500 employees - team members - and is still family owned and operated. Their vision statement is simple and is etched into a 3-ton granite rock at every store - Our Policy >>>
Now, here is another example... I will use several...
Now, here is another example... I will use several...
Here is another VISION STATEMENT...
Boeing’s mission and vision statements - demonstrate the company’s commitment to innovation, safety, and sustainability12. The company aims to inspire the world, promote innovations, and connect people through its products and services1. Its vision statement emphasizes the importance of leadership and inspiration in achieving its goals1. The vision of The Boeing Company is to be the world leader in providing innovative, safe, and sustainable aerospace solutions across all aspects of the industry2. The company aims to transform and shape the future of aviation and space exploration by developing new and advanced technologies2.
PS: There are a host of business questions, I am regularly asked... so, as I lay out the details of my approach, I will answer some of them for you.
There is a Science to Leadership...
and it starts with this 5 STEP Protocol, #2 |
STEP 1: Our Partnership
We - (you and I) - agree on a partnership to jointly improve your profitability. This is the first step of forming a critical mass... needed to drive your improvement.
We - (you and I) - agree on a partnership to jointly improve your profitability. This is the first step of forming a critical mass... needed to drive your improvement.
P/L leaders have a wealth of critical knowledge essential to a rapid turnaround. Your firm's strategies, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats... any people issues. Plus, the annual budgeting status and any industry trends impacting the business... |
The union of your in-depth knowledge and my expertise in profit growth... across multiple industries & various cultures... creates the critical mass allowing us to rapidly identify the ROOT CAUSE issues... and thus develop a blueprint to guide your leadership and profit growth. |
STEP 2: SWOT Analysis
You may have done a SWOT analysis in the past, but let's update it and put it in writing. Make this a quick process... all four should be done it approx. 15 minutes. SWOT... "Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats". This is your assessment of each, use the 1 - 10 scale plus add relevant comments... you will need them later.
You may have done a SWOT analysis in the past, but let's update it and put it in writing. Make this a quick process... all four should be done it approx. 15 minutes. SWOT... "Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats". This is your assessment of each, use the 1 - 10 scale plus add relevant comments... you will need them later.
STEP 3 (of 5): Self-Assessment
In this section I will be asking you to do a lot of work, some very demanding assessments of your leadership skills. So let me first deepen your understanding of my unique background and expertise... resulting in my 'Protocol for Leaders'.
In this section I will be asking you to do a lot of work, some very demanding assessments of your leadership skills. So let me first deepen your understanding of my unique background and expertise... resulting in my 'Protocol for Leaders'.
During my early years at Ford Motor Co. & Rockwell International, I became a Change Agent applying Cost Accounting principles to Dr. Deming’s Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Lean Six Sigma. With 15 years of large-scale Cost Reductions to my credit... I was named Rockwell's representative to the American Productivity & Quality Center, APQC... '2-Year Action / Research Study' on White Collar Productivity & Leadership. This landmark study was funded by 12 major US companies... Rockwell, Steelcase, NASA, J&J... plus 8 others. Each of us ran a pilot group within our company and shared our progress during APQC monthly meetings in Houston, Texas... as we updated our evolving White-Collar improvement methodology.
"The Proof Of The Pudding
Is In The Eating Thereof" Using my evolving Protocol... I personally drove P/L Turnarounds at these 6 companies. My successes were so dramatic they won the attention of Yale University who invited me to serve as an Adjunct Professor and instruct their 1997 MBA Class of 215 full-time MBA students, in... 'The Strategic Environment of Management'... more later.
STEP 3: Prepare yourself to be honest...
The first leg of your journey to Powerful Leadership is a
deeper look into your skills... be sure to
understand your weaknesses
that you will identify...
during STEP 3 below
STEP 3 (of 5):
First leg Self-Assessment (Be brutally honest) |
AS YOU START STEP 3... please consider the dilemma I'm placing you in. On one hand - as the P/L leader - you're expected to be this strong, confident leader... at all times. But I'm asking you to be completely and brutally honest... 'as you rank your own skill levels... (pause)... 'knowing there will likely be some weaknesses highlighted... perhaps big ones'.
Hence the dilemma... do you continue playing 'your role'... or can you let your guard down and be truthful? Well, keep in mind, what I'm asking is that you are simply being truthful with... YOUSELF. No one need ever know about this self-assessment... it is just a tool that will allow, YOU, to get to the ROOT-CAUSE of your business's profit shortfalls.
Executive Summary: Just as you begin your... Self-Assessment...
Anatomy of the 'Protocol for Leaders'
A World-Class Leadership
Development Model
A World-Class Leadership
Development Model
* A critique of history's great Leaders... their common skills
* Then add 10 years of practical insights as a 'Change Agent' * Plus 2 years of learnings as an Academic/Corporate Researcher * Now we fine-tune the model through 20 added years of hands-on application * Finally a touch of refinement ... via a year's interface with Yale School of Business |
All of this to bring to you the perfect balance of Leadership Growth Tools. Remember... in this approach to profit improvement... you are in total control. There are NO herds of outsiders directing your people... and there are NO HUGE BILLS to be paid.
Yes, in my younger years I would partner with the P/L Exec as we agreed on the best approach for his business. Now, I've worked hard to give you my insights... should you feel there is a pressing need to talk... see STEP 5, in the menu.
STEP 3 (of 5): The 13... life changing skills
Your first assignment... Master the first 4 skills -
Yes, in my younger years I would partner with the P/L Exec as we agreed on the best approach for his business. Now, I've worked hard to give you my insights... should you feel there is a pressing need to talk... see STEP 5, in the menu.
STEP 3 (of 5): The 13... life changing skills
Your first assignment... Master the first 4 skills -
When you have these 4 skills so well mastered, they are your default response to every difficult business problem... then move on...
Okay, let's begin - read... digest...
make a few notes...
rank yourself...
1 to 10
make a few notes...
rank yourself...
1 to 10
1. VISION: Start with a Vision Statement... establish direction, set goals. share your beliefs... your convictions. Your vision for the business defines you - give it much thought. Is it clear... consistent... powerful...
In this example we see a simple, short and powerful vision statement... leading this startup to great success. The industry is extremely competitive with very low margins. This truly gives us... 'Food for Thought'... sorry about the pun.

Stew Leonard's Supermarket: From its humble beginnings in Norwalk, CT, this small dairy store founded in 1969 only carrying 8 items with seven employees, Stew Leonard's has grown to become not only the World's Largest Dairy Store, but one of the most renowned grocery stores, with annual sales of nearly $500 million... 2,500 employees - team members - and is still family owned and operated. Their vision statement is simple and is etched into a 3-ton granite rock at every store - Our Policy >>>
2. COMMUNICATION: This is your most powerful tool. You will teach, inspire, explain & listen and learn... as you employ - 'active communication'... and 'active listening'. Most strong leaders have to study and learn these concepts. Do you look forward to opportunities to communicate... perhaps monthly performance reviews?
3. TASK MANAGEMENT: This is your, make it happen toolbox. The greatest success here comes from the coordination of the annual financial budget and a detailed set of monthly performance actions/goals and a monthly review & feedback system - an AOP. All of which ensures critical tasks happen as planned. My unique background gave me exceptional skills here. There are several good sources you can turn to for development help.
Annual Operating Plan
A brief overview * Establish a formal annual business improvement system, the AOP * Appoint 1 person... Mr. AOP... to coordinate the annual financial budget & detailed monthly improvements for each department * These actions... ensure the annual budget is met or surpassed * Mr. AOP and the Financial Controller must be partners in this process as they ensure the specific departmental improvements support the annual budget. * These annual improvements are the responsibility of each department head. * Every month there is a very short review of actual performance vs the AOP. Thus, each manager learns of potential shortfalls in time to correct before year's end. * The P/L Executive holds a companywide Monthly Performance Review meeting... to focus everyone on the business's progress vs. the AOP improvement goals. |
4. PEOPLE: No matter what your business... product, service... no matter how high the level of technology... you're really in the PEOPLE business. Every member of your team has their own set of personal... family... and health issues to be managing. And your team's performance is impacted by their ability to manage these... NON-TEAM ISSUES. Check your people skills and - you better like people - if you do, you can learn to read & understand & HELP them. If you DO NOT like dealing with these seemingly NON-BUSINESS issues... you have a very special need... that you must address.

STOP: These first 4 skills are not just important... they are essential. You must be... 'MUST BE' ... highly competent in each - at least an 8... or better. Should you rank yourself below an 8 on any one... it's time to focus your energy on imminently improve that skill.
For those of you who are the P/L Executive because of your technology expertise.... but find yourself well below an 8 in several of these first 4 skills... I'm sorry, I do feel the pain. So, use your intellect to find a suitable solution. See STEP 4.
For those of you who are the P/L Executive because of your technology expertise.... but find yourself well below an 8 in several of these first 4 skills... I'm sorry, I do feel the pain. So, use your intellect to find a suitable solution. See STEP 4.
When your ranking is 8 or above
on each of the first 4 skills...
then continue.
on each of the first 4 skills...
then continue.
SPECIAL NOTICE: 'This methodology for profit growth is independent of the size of the business. Whether a small Italian restaurant in Germany... or a huge 26 billion dollar tier 1 Automotive supplier in the US & Mexico... the methodology, works !!"
A quick recap: STEP 1, we agreed to work together to grow your profits... I'm sharing my knowledge with you for free... please use it wisely. STEP 2, you completed a SWOT analysis, then expanded it with input from outside individuals. Now you are about to start STEP 3, a very important assessment of... YOU. I will ask that you be extremely honest as you rank yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 for each of the 13 core elements... starting with those all-important - first 7, The Pillars of Leadership.